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Miyoko Sakatani is an actor and singer who has
performed on Bay Area stages for the past several
years. She was most recently seen in “Distracted”
by Lisa Loomer and “The Free Speech Movement
Musical” by Joan Holden at the Berkeley Repertory
Theatre. Other favorite shows are “The Song of the
Nightingale,” by Min Kahng and a three-woman
multicultural touring version of Eve Ensler's “The
Vagina Monologues.” In early 2015, Miyoko performed
her own solo piece “I Look Up When I Walk,” at the
Berkeley Marsh Theatre. Miyoko is a member of two
musical touring troupes, Stagebridge's Never Too Late,
and a Bay Area ukulele band, who performs regularly
for senior residential care facilities.
Mr. Yoshida
Mrs. Yoshida
Jimmy Nishida

–Full Cast–