Dwayne Soriano | Assistant Director

Assistant Director Dwayne Soriano’s filmmaking experience
started in high school, where he wrote and directed short
movies. Since then, Dwayne has worked as a freelance
videographer, assisted in the casting of extras for the films
and Funny People, and co-produced independent
projects for Mitchell Street Pictures, TwoCan Films and
EDU visionProductions. He has also directed shorts for the
nationwide program Every 15 Minutes, an annual project that exposes high school students to the dangers of drinking and driving. Currently, Dwayne is finishing up his first feature
length project, Dog ToothBlues.  In the meantime, one can
always find Dwayne helping others bring their creative vision
to cinematic life.

Vincent Cortez | Associate Producer 

Vincent Cortez has been called an independent filmmaking
"survivalist." He has functioned as a producer, writer, director,
illustrator, editor, composer, and much more. Born, raised
and based in Oakland CA, his films have garnered awards
at both international and domestic film festivals (in both
short and feature-length categories). He runs Mitchell Street
Pictures, a company that has produced a string of high
concept/low budget films (both feature length and shorts).

Besides his narrative and commercial work, Vincent has
written articles for Videography Magazine, spoken at Wonder-
Con ’11 on DIY filmmaking and KPFA 94.1 about media and
messages. Additionally, he enjoys teaching film to youth,
helping them findtheir stories from both a creative and
technical standpoint.

Heather Haggarty
| Line Producer

A co-founder and principal of Sparklight Films, Heather
brings more than ten years of experience as a corporate
attorney, project management consultant, and fundraiser.
She decided to leave the practice of law to pursue her
passion for film. Recently, she produced Get Low and is
currently in pre-production on iScream. These days,
Heather is happiest knee-deep in scripts and budgets.

Nanou Matteson | Line Producer

A co-founder and principal of Sparklight Films, Nanou
holds an MFA in Screenwriting from UCLA’s School of Theater,
Film and Television. She worked on the feature film Us in the
fall of 2010; wrote, directed and produced The Game, which premiered at UCLA’s Melnitz Theater; and produced Get Low
in 2012. Currently, Nanou is in pre-production on iScream.
Nanou works as a script consultant and has also taught
fiction and screenwriting for more than 20 years.

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