Anthony Lucero | Writer / Director

Bay Area filmmaker Anthony Lucero’s newest project reflects
a fusion of cultures and flavors in East Side Sushi, an original
screenplay that tells the story of a Latina working-class single
mother who strives to become a sushi chef.

As with many of his other films, Lucero’s inspiration for the
story came from his observations of people from all walks of
life. “I’ve always liked lesser-known stories of everyday people,”
he says. “I wonder what their life is like. And I often want to
pick up a camera, and follow them, ask them questions about
their lives. It’s my documentary background.”

He writes and directs films involving subjects ranging from
comedic to deeply serious, such as the poignant 2007
documentary film Angels and Wheelchairs. This intensely
personal slice-of-life short film won Best Drama/Documentary
and Best Overall Film awards at the Alice 5th Annual
Independent Film Festival in San Francisco and played in
numerous film festivals around the world. Some of Lucero’s
other award-winning projects include 2011’s San Francisco Is
and 2005’s I Need My Mocha, which captured Best Short Film
at the San Francisco International Latino Film Festival and
screened at numerous film festivals throughout the country.
It was also selected as one of the top short films and aired
on the Independent Film Channel (IFC). These films can be
seen on his website at

Lucero’s evolution as a filmmaker reflects a diverse path
traveled. After receiving his B.A. in Film from San Francisco
State University, Lucero worked as a commercial editor for
several years with clients such as Nike and Yahoo. His move
into the visual effects world for companies such as Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light and Magic and Tippett Studio has led him to
work on such blockbusters as Star Wars - Episode II, Pirates
of the Caribbean
, Iron Man and The Twilight Saga: Breaking
. Keeping a balance between more commercial films
and projects with social commentary and a focus on
community, Lucero has also worked as a cameraman
and editor on documentaries such as the PBS series
Not In Our Town. East Side Sushi marks his feature film
directorial debut.

Julie Rubio | Producer  

A theatrical and film producer, writer, director, and actor,
Julie Rubio launched East Meets West Productions in 2003
with her film, Impression, which screened at The Orinda, Napa Valley and Oakland International Film Festivals. That same year
she released Yoga Can Balance Your Life, which was filmed in Hawaii and gained nationwide distribution. Her second DVD
in the series, Yoga for Weight Loss, is in post-production. Julie produced the short film Soledad is Gone Forever in 2005 for
Haiku Films. Her short film comedy, Del Cielo (Of Heaven), premiered at the 2006 Napa Sonoma Wine Valley Film Festival
and was an official selection of both the 2006 Los Angeles and
San Francisco International Latino Film Festivals.

Her feature-length screenplay, Six Sex Scenes And A Murder,
opened up at the Lumiere Theatre in the spring of 2008 and
now has domestic and international distribution. Also in
2008, Julie produced Mateen Kemet's short film, Oakland
B Mine
, which is now playing at the Oakland International
Airport. In 2011, Julie wrote, directed and co-produced the
feature film too perfect, which played at San Francisco’s
Embarcadero Theater and has domestic and international
distribution through Osiris Entertainment. She is finishing
pre-production for her next feature film, Masked Truth, a
psychological mystery-drama. She is now proud to be
producing East Side Sushi with award-winning director
Anthony Lucero. Julie helps keep her busy life in balance
by playing with her lovely family and doing Hatha Yoga.

Vicki Wong
| Associate Producer

With a background in film production, associate producer
Vicki Wong’s career spans over a decade of experience in
a variety of capacities in the film industry. Most recently, she
employed her coordination skills at Lucasfilm Animation on
the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Her work as a coordinator, camera operator and manager of
the Editorial, Film and Digital Imaging departments at visual effects company Tippett Studio includes feature films such as Charlotte’s Web, Hellboy, The Matrix Revolutions, Armageddon, and The Spiderwick Chronicles, as well as commercials for
clients such as Blockbuster video and Sirius Radio. Other
recent gigs have included script editing, associate producing,
and script supervising on several independent features and
short films.

Marty Rosenberg
| Director of Photography

Marty Rosenberg’s mastery behind the camera can be seen
in more than 40 internationally acclaimed feature films and
a host of short films, documentaries and commercials.
In a career spanning more than 23 years, Marty has worked
a visual effects director of cinematography on Star Wars
Episodes I, II,
and III, War of The Worlds, Mission Impossible,
State of the Union, The Pacifier, Van Helsing, Master and
Commander: The Far Side of the World, Planet of the Apes
Jurassic Park III, Pearl Harbor, and Space Cowboys.
Marty’s work can also be seen in the 2005 film, One
Weekend A Month
, which received a Sundance Honorable
Mention for Short Filmmaking.




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