Originally from Sonora, Mexico, Rodrigo Duarte Clark began as a playwright in 1970 with his one-act
play “Brujerias,” produced on the stage and later
adapted into a 30-minute bilingual film. A longtime
member of San Francisco's El Teatro de la
Esperanza—first as a playwright, then as an actor
and director from1970 until recently—his plays have been produced in various US cities and have toured
nationally; four of them have been published in
anthologies, including “Rosita's Day of the Dead.”
Rodrigo has acted primarily on the stage, but has
also performed on film for PBS and several
commercial projects. Currently working as a theatre
instructor, Rodrigo has won numerous awards,
including Lehman Award for Artist and Social
Change, California Arts Council for Latin Theatre,
Oakland's Artist Among Us and The Mission
Cultural Center for Theatre.